Most people start practicing Yoga to lose a few pounds and have a more supple body. But when you do not expect it, Yoga will begin to exert its real effects. Do not worry about it. Yoga will never let you down.
To help you understand how Yoga works and what changes you, I will share how the practice starts from the outside and slowly from the inside - I mean the soul.
1. Your body image will change
If you are not an exercise diligent and certainly not a passionate runner, so you need to find a proper workout but still burn calories. Yoga certainly fits the requirements above.
After a few weeks of Yoga, you will notice the variety of shapes and sizes of the gym, and all shapes and sizes are skin tight. You feel intimidated by the gossip about the body, what to wear. People at the gym will not stare at you when you walk into the room. Everyone will try to teach you how to improve your skills together. So, you can feel relieved because this place is not the place to judge each other.
Instead, you should start paying attention to how healthy your body is, how it moves in coordinated movements, how it expands, and contracts, how it creates its ordered shape, and how you breathe. You will love yourself more and no longer feel inferior. Learn to love yourself, even in the worst days. Yoga is to relieve discomfort, not only physically but also mentally and mentally. We all have a darker side. Yoga is not about erasing this part of yourself but be open to embracing it. In an age when big industries and corporations benefit from our insecurities, learning to love oneself is the right course of action.
2. You will gain independence and self-confident
Often, you feel like you do not want to stand out in the crowd for fear of being ridiculed just because you lack confidence. Without confidence, we require the initiative to do extraordinary things for ourselves. Without courage, we let fear take over and conquer us. If you already feel a little low, but you want to start exploring different, good ones. Accepting change is always the first step. Yoga will help you. By performing a series of breathing exercises, postures, and meditation, one can balance both physically and mentally. If you are wondering how Yoga can help you strengthen your self-confidence, here are some explanations.
Yoga makes your body fits. With continuous and prolonged yoga exercises, your muscles will be placed into action. These poses and yoga exercises can help your muscles look firmer. Thanks to Yoga's breathing exercises, more oxygen can enter your muscles, thus giving your muscles more vitality. If you've ever had a body problem, Yoga can help alleviate this problem by giving you muscles that look better.
Yoga helps you in becoming aware of your limitations and capabilities. Yoga can help you understand your mind and body. With Yoga, you will become more conscious of your drawbacks, as well as your potential.
Yoga strengthens your mind. Yoga can help you relieve stressors by clearing out all the clutter in your account. Through a series of meditation and breathing exercises, one can increase the circulation of oxygen in the mind and body, increasing the flow of energy to your body. Yoga can help you cope with stress, even when you are alarming.
3. You will eat well
Yoga teaches you the concept of nonviolence. It will reduce your appetite for meat items. Therefore, you will not want to eat unhealthy snacks, but instead, be vegetarian or more nutritious. If you feel that alcohol relaxes your mind and body, you certainly did not practice Yoga. With yoga practice, your interest in alcoholic drinks will decrease quickly. Your motives to party hard every weekend and eat unhealthy food will significantly diminish with Yoga.
Mindful eating includes paying attention to what you eat while it is happening, being aware of the sight, smell, taste, and texture of the food. The chewing process can help reduce intake by influencing the individual's response to imbalance signs when eating. Indeed, high levels of mindfulness correlate with lower levels of obesity. Therefore, mindful eating can counteract unbalanced consumption. Yoga practice can reduce emotional eating, eating disorders, and improve mental health and diet in obese people. Therefore, practicing Yoga can be a method to enhance healthy eating and physical activity in adolescents.
Teenagers who practice Yoga have a healthier diet and are more physically active, including consuming more fruits and vegetables. The more yoga hours you have, the better your diet and physical activity. In interviews, teens pointed out that practicing Yoga promotes mindful eating, cravings for healthier foods, and motivation for healthier eating, improved stress management, and eating. Besides, they point out that practicing Yoga increases strength and flexibility and the desire to engage in other physical activities.
4. You will make more friends
Usually, yoga classes are conducted for groups of people. So, in these classes, you will meet lots of new and exciting people who may be suffering in the same way as you. These people are good and kind. You can become soul mates with them because our souls are in tune with each other.
Regardless of the event or place, Yoga unites us as conscious motivators, mindful meditators, and people who believe in something unique and powerful. Joining and sharing that energy is love and the people you can meet at these gatherings can be exceptional and unique characters. These friends are people you can turn to for support during practice and will be cheering for you when you have a new accomplishment.
5. It will help your sex life
Yoga can also help improve sexual function very well. One study followed 40 women when they did Yoga for 12 weeks. After the study ended, the researchers concluded that women had made significant improvements in their sex lives, thanks to Yoga. This research is an example that shows us the link between Yoga and enjoyable sex life is promising.
Lauren Zoeller, a certified yoga teacher and Whole Living Life trainer based in Nashville, Tennessee, teaches Yoga how to train your body and control your mind. These two joint practices can give you insight into what you like and dislike, leading to better communication of what is best for your partner.
Another way Zoeller says Yoga can boost your sex life? Increase awareness and control the body. A regular yoga exercise that brings you to the present moment is essential for expanding your sex life. The more you can become present with your partner, the better your experience, the other, Z Zeller explained. Both Sex and Yoga are beneficial for your physical, mental, and emotional state. Learn how to practice them regularly to reach your absolute best!
"3 Ways to Make New Yoga Friends." Wanderlust, 20 June. 2015, wanderlust.com/journal/3-ways-make-new-yoga-friends/.
"5 Ways in Which Yoga Changes Your Life." Big Easy Magazine, 22 July 2019, www.bigeasymagazine.com/2019/07/22/5-ways-in-which-yoga-changes-your-life/.
"5 Ways Yoga Will Change You." The Journey Junkie, 12 Dec. 2019, www.thejourneyjunkie.com/yoga-3/5-ways-yoga-will-change-you/.
"Can Yoga Improve Your Self-Confidence?" LexiYoga, www.lexiyoga.com/yoga-for-self-confidence.
Mizzoni, Fabby. "How Yoga Changed My Body Image." FFS Gyms, www.ffs.ie/blog/how-yoga-changed-my-body-image.
Watts, Allison W, et al. "coYoga's Potential for Promoting Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Behaviors among Young Adults: a Mixed-Methods Study." The International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, BioMed Central, 2 May 2018, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5932774/.