Ayurveda medicine is one of the oldest comprehensive healing systems in the world. It was developed more than 3,000 years ago in India. It is based on the belief that health depends on the delicate balance between mind, body, and spirit. Ayurveda helps people discover the benefits of natural ingredients. Even modern medical scientists admit this. Ayurvedic products also help you solve the hair loss problem.
Currently, hair loss is a common phenomenon that anyone may experience. Many reasons can cause hair loss. You may suffer hair loss due to health problems or toxic chemicals in hair products. Therefore, we must first examine the cause and then find a solution, and that is what Ayurveda will do.
1/ Loss of nutrition
Hair loss can be caused by a deficiency of certain nutrients, especially essential minerals, vitamins, proteins, and omega 3s.
· Protein keratin is the main component of hair, so the deficiency of this nutrient will cause hair damage and loss. Protein participates in hair formation, as well as collagen production. Collagen is used to bind cells, maintain elasticity and strength for hair. If there is a shortage of collagen, the hair will become dry, easy to tangle and fall out when affected.
· Vitamins are essential nutrients that help maintain hair health and condition. Specifically, each vitamin will have its uses, supplement nutrients to help hair shine, prevent hair loss.
· Minerals also help to maintain healthy, shiny hair and reduce hair loss
· If you have a lot of hair loss, your body may be deficient in Omega 3. The unsaturated fatty acid found in many foods works to ensure a healthy shine and smooth hair. Therefore, the body does not provide enough Omega 3 will cause hair fiber, dry, and brittle.
Ayurveda treatment
Supplementing the deficiency nutrients that cause hair loss is an effective method to stimulate hair growth and reduce hair loss. There are many ways to replenish these nutrients:
· Supplement through diet:
Protein-rich foods: Shrimp, fish, chicken, pork, beef, eggs, etc
Mineral-rich foods: Shrimp, crabs, clams, oysters, tuna, liver, onions, etc.
Vitamin-rich foods: Cucumber, tomatoes, watermelons, oranges, tangerines, pomegranates, guavas, grapes, pears, bananas, carrots, etc.
Omega 3-rich foods: Olive oil, avocado, salmon, egg yolks, etc.
· Make the hair mask:
Chicken eggs and beer hair mask: Beer and chicken eggs contain a lot of protein, making hair shiny and healthy. The way to make this mask is to mix one egg yolk with 200ml of beer, then apply it to the scalp and hair. After incubating your hair for about 15-20 minutes, rinse with water and wash your hair as usual.
Aloe vera hair mask: Aloe vera has many minerals, plant compounds, and vitamins. So, applying fresh aloe vera gel to the scalp and body hair can regenerate dry hair strands and help hair become glossy and smooth.
2/ Hormones run amok
· Thyroid hormone plays a significant role in regulating metabolism and the development of the body. An overactive or underactive thyroid can both lead to dry, brittle hair and hair loss. However, if the thyroid is balanced again, the hair will return to normal.
· Besides thyroid, an imbalance of other hormones such as estrogen, especially in women with polycystic ovary syndrome and postmenopausal women, can lead to excessive hair loss.
Ayurveda treatment
The treatment of female hormonal hair loss usually focuses on rebalancing the amount of estrogen in the body.
· Supplement through diet: Drink enough water. Eat foods containing protein, zinc, vitamins such as fresh fruits and vegetables and meats, fish.
· Build a scientific lifestyle: Get enough sleep, go to bed early, keep the spirit of optimism, fun, spend time exercising, playing sports. You can also gently massage the scalp to stimulate blood circulation, prevent hair loss.
· Reduce pressure on the hair: During hair loss, you should not plait hair or tie it too tight, absolutely should not use chemical curling, dyeing, especially do not bleach.
3/ Stress
There are three main types of stress-related hair loss:
· Telogen effluvium: For telogen hair loss, stress can cause hair follicles to enter the resting stage, causing hair to stop growing. A few months later, the hair attached to the affected hair follicle will begin to fall out, and the hair will shed more than usual. This may be the most common stress-induced hair loss.
· Alopecia areata: For alopecia areata, the body's immune system suddenly attacks the hair follicles and causes hair loss, sometimes in large numbers. This type of hair loss can have many causes, and stress is also among them.
Trichotillomania: This situation is entirely different from the above two types. It relates to the act of pulling their hair, whether that's hair on the head, eyebrows, or at other positions on the body. People use this habit to deal with stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness, or depression.
Ayurveda treatment
To relieve stress and protect your hair, try these tips:
· Learn and practice relaxation techniques (such as pranayama breathing, meditation, or yoga) regularly
· Spend time with family and friends. Isolating yourself can make stress worse
· Seek help from a psychotherapist
· Eat on time, eat plenty of green vegetables, and take multivitamins if your doctor recommends it.
· Take good care of your hair when washing, drying, and styling your hair.
· Use natural hair products for head massage:
Provocative head massage for grapefruit peel oil (or hot oil): One of the quickest hair growth methods is to massage your scalp for 5-10 minutes and then spray grapefruit peel oil directly into the hair roots. Continue to massage for 5-10 minutes and then allow to air dry. Regularly perform 2-3 times a week, you will see noticeably fast, smooth, and shiny hair.
Use Shikakai for hair conditioner: Remember the days when our grandmother used to prescribe shikakai for hair care? Thanks to its excellent hair cleaning properties, it is often considered a natural alternative to shampoos. Experts say shikakai is rich in antioxidants and vitamins A, C, K, and D, which can keep hair nourished. Massage scalp with shikakai at least twice a week to have beautiful black hair.
4/ Toxic Chemicals
Studies show that about 78% of people have ever curled or dyed their hair, of which 15% are done regularly every month. Be confident, personality for yourself. However, the increase in pressure on the hair when using curlers, dyes, hair straighteners, or mechanical effects of dryers, curling machines is also how you are "torturing" your hair. These actions significantly affect the lipid layers and the scaly keratin layers in the hair cuticle, making them unconnected. Therefore the core of the hair is dry, the hair follicles shrink, and the hair strands also "turn away."
Ayurveda treatment
Before you think about changing your hairstyle, you need to assess the health of your hair - Is it weak or healthy? It is better not to curl or dye your hair if you are experiencing hair loss. Let us restore your hair with Ayurveda products to have healthy, beautiful hair.
· Jojoba is rich in Vitamin E, Omega 6 and 9 fatty acids, and a type of saturated fatty acid that fights free radicals with side effects on hair. Its effectiveness is proven with its application in various ancient folk medicines around the world.
· Brahmi: Brahmi is well-known for its ability to strengthen hair roots and prevent hair loss. Use fresh Brahmi leaves on your scalp like a mask for hair for at least 15 minutes. If you are using powdered Brahmi leaves, soak them in warm water for at least 20 minutes.
Bhringraj: Bhringraj is known as the "king of herbs" because it has been shown that it can help hair regrowth better than any herbs. You can crush Bhringraj leaves and extract them into dark green juice. This juice is beneficial in eliminating premature gray hair, hair loss, and baldness.
Work cited:
Edwin McDonald, MD. "A Hot Topic: Are Spicy Foods Healthy or Dangerous?" UChicago Medicine, UChicago Medicine, September 23 2018, www.uchicagomedicine.org/forefront/health-and-wellness-articles/spicy-foods-healthy-or-dangerous.
Reviewed by Primary Care on December 27, 2018. "Losing Hair from Stress? What You Should Know." UPMC HealthBeat, March 9. 2020, share.upmc.com/2018/12/losing-hair-from-stress/.
Iosune, et al. “Soy Milk.” Simple Vegan Blog, 1 Apr. 2020, simpleveganblog.com/homemade-soy-milk/.
"Alopecia Treatment with Ayurveda: Ayurclinic." Naturopath Melbourne, www.ayurclinic.com.au/alopecia-ayurveda-melbourne/.
Jay, Kitty. "Hair Loss: Cause, Treatment, Prevention, and More." Healthline, Healthline Media, January 12 2008, www.healthline.com/health/stress/stress-hair-loss.